Galapagos in Photos

more of my favorite photos from the "Galapa-glos" as Maisie calls it :) I think I need to make this trip it's own "book" with all the wildlife pictures for the girls to look at one day - too much to blog even if I break it up by day! It was such an awesome trip we will remember as a family forever, hopefully the little girls can look at the book (yeah the one on my to do list I will get to one of these days!) to remember all the fun.

Hanging out on the lava -cold chocolate milk pick me up break

Family shot next to a male "Friggit Bird" (Maisie's favorite to say all week)

Little bums on the lookout for turtles

Maisie scoping for Blue-footed Boobies

beach combers

Maisie learning to snorkle (even though at this point she would not get her head wet - just put the face of the goggles a half inch below the water) but the flippers helped ;)

Dad in shallow seas with his water babes

Life jackets on ready to tour the islands by tender

a few of the animals we saw along the way

family hike (not the best shot - looking into the hot sun on the equator)

baby in the front - big girl in the back (the hikes on lava rock were pretty intense!)

waiting to snorkel - Maisie took the picture

and this one, little Ansel with a camera all week!

Francie is a wet suit for a cold water snorkel by the rocks

Scruffy vacation beard Daddy :)

Heading into town to check things out with our big girl

Dad and Francie looking for a good shop to "buy stuff with her monies"

Found some handmade turtle bead necklaces for her sisters

cool signage in front of a restaurant - wish we could do this in the US!

and an ice cream shop! It was pretty hot and muggy, the gelato was sooo yummy.

I had coconut - Francie picked bubble gum (possibly the grossest choice of all of them :)

on the dock

Mom and the little girls cleaned up for dinner

Maisie reading to her little sis (shocking JJ sits still long enough for this)

Janie in her board shorts checking out a sea lion

Fur Seal beach (one of a few we saw) the Sea Lions would come right up to you, they are curious about humans since they don't see many and don't have natural predators on land in the Galapagos. (and don't worry- we had a naturalist with us to make sure we were being respectful of the wildlife :)

curious babies!

Janie says "no way Jose!"

Whale bone skeleton - almost totally intact and untouched on the beach

beach sunset with my girls while Dad finished a dive

Unsuccessful attempts at a photo of all three in their glamour swim suits

back to playing - too busy for photos


Loves the shades


Silly girl

JJ and I waiting for the tender to go home - kinda sad but what a fun, full 8 days we had in the Galapagos! (another photo by Maisie)