Sandy Bottoms

a few more pictures form Beach Day with Jannie I didn't post yet - I'm loving my new Mark III camera I got for Mother's Day! It let's me take decent pictures without knowing what the heck I am doing even better than before :) (although should have taken my old one to the beach - still dusting a little sand off the lens) But some pics from a fun day....

happy Maisie

Jannie digging a hole to find water with the girls

living the good life

beach girls

Janie would literally try to dive right in if we didn't hold her back - got hit by one wave and wasn't too happy but usually just bounced right up and wanted to do it again

stripped down to bloomers - JJ get so tan so fast

and she is OBSESSED with Jannie's lip glosses. Jannie has to hide her purse now or JJ finds her makeup pouch and brings it to her "Um! Um! Open!"

amazing Ariel towel my friend Janna gave her - thanks Jan :)

doesn't slow her down from ditch digging with Luke

The girls and their beach-lovin-cousin Luke!

and Jannie and Aunt Kim who brought Oreo cookies when she picked up Luke and wouldn't let us leave until we ate the whole box :) fun day!