Just Some Pics
/It's already Friday!? We've had a fun week... family visits, dinner with friends, work, play and more of the usual! how awesome is the picture above Emmy snapped one morning? Emmy is so good!
Tuesday playdate at Stanford with Emily, Lucy and Nolan - La Baguette for breakfast and a little Gap Kids sale rack!
Doing a little "market research" for a new idea in the DTLA (Downtown Los Altos :) we took the girls to Chuck E Cheese Wednesday night. How is that place so bad yet so good!?! Janie was fitting right in sporting a onesie untucked and unmatching all night (how did I get a 14 month old who likes to pick her own clothes?) and Francie riding the balloon bike barefoot. awesome.
Maisie picked this dress herself at GapKids the other day when we had a mall shopping playdate with Emily, Lucy and Nolan. She's pretty proud of it but it kinda looks like it should be for a 20 year old not a 3 year old :)
CA Ave Paint Store. The girls found "dollars" in my urse while I was paint sample matching - at least they know how to use a coke machine but Orange Soda?! and right before Chuck E Cheese too- sugar overlaod at it's best.
Diapered baby collecting grass and dirt in a sippy.
Maisie modeling her dress for Emmy and Francie - so big!
and speaking of dresses - the girls "decorated" their room one night for a party. Hot pink crepe paper torn in little pieces ALL OVER the room and then they told Janie this TP mess was a new dress. She does not look so amused.
Oh sisterly love :)
Emmy has been planning such fun mornings for the girls. They know when the sprinklers go off on the soccer fields in town and go get drenched on hot days! And they frequent the Pet Shop looking at the kitties to be "'dopted" Francie is still begging for a cat, not helping.
Thursday night I had to work in the afternoon so Brian took the pink gang to the Nature Preserve to run around and shoot arrows. They tried a triple ride on this trike but Heff has that picture :) Uphill was too heavy to carry more than the Lion!
Francie is a rockstar on the bow and arrow- making Dad proud! She is also asking Heff to hep her build a cannon to "kill Gunnysack" Gunnysack is a trick I learned at the mormon mom conference I went to (a whole nother post!) who comes when you leave the house and takes/eats any toys that were left out. IT WORKS.
Janie's favorite words "NO NO!" to the poison oak after we told her not to touch it 12 times she started telling her sisters.
Happy Friday from Maisie Moo!!!