Memorial Day Monday

Heff and I both had some work to do Monday morning so EMMY took over with the ladies - and they were SO happy to have her back to their routine!! They gathered nature treasures from the Redwood Grove and painted them pink and purple at home :) Other than that we had a mellow afternoon - JJ has 4 molars coming in and isn't so thrilled but she's still a trooper. We had a pear and blueberry pie on the counter for dessert and Janie got abandoned at the kids table after dinner when the big girls ran off to play with the neighbor kids in the creek.

purple paint leads to purple hands of course - art project while 2 and 3 napped

and this was Francie's cool drawing from Sunday night - she asked for a pen and paper after bedtime and said she had an idea she needed to draw. She came back with the exact floor plan for the new business we are working on next to Bumble (a family friendly arcade) and drew all the games we have so far and where she thought they should go - thats "guitar hero in the middle of the back room- looks just like it!).

I was SO proud of her entreprenuerial thinking! She wrote "RCAD" which is very logical spelling right? :) There is a front room with games, a center courtyard with a tree and a back room with games then the parking lot where she wrote a tiny sign that said "NO Parking" (sign up now) and the sidewalk and street below it. Nice work France, I might submit this to city planning instead of the architects! 

and then last night I gave her a notebook and she came back out with this story. "Once upon a time there was a girl riding a bike." I added the date for her - Grampa is going to get on her about that one!

and the "AFU-BAT" aka alphabet of course

Three bugs on a dad. I was organizing the girls' closet (my favorite activity) while Heff read books and tried to snap a picture of them climbing all over him - but when J saw my phone out she looks up, pulls the binky out and says "CHEESE!" Silly J!

The girls ask Heff when they get a bath "Dad! Make the bath doll PEE!!!" awesome. ;)