John Simo's 65th Surprise Birthday Party!

May 24th was my Dad's 65th birthday - Happy Birthday Dad!! We planned to go to House of Prime Rib in the city Thursday night (on his birthday) but then he suggested we all go Friday night instead so we decided we had to do something fun for his real birthday, 65 is a big one! We planned a surprise party at Bumble - it was just going to be a few friends and no "theme" but things got rolling and we had a great turnout of friends, office partners and family.

Thursday morning when I woke up Heff said - "we should do like a "John Simonson for President - no more dipshits or morons theme' can you make a poster that says that?" Challenge accepted Heff and after a few hours we had campaign headquarters ready to go :) My dad loved it and now wants to frame the 7 foot poster that says 'dipshits' - is that going in the house? Sorry Jannie!! :)

My dad took the day off for his birthday and his request was to take the girls Strawberry picking at U-Pick Farms on Highway 1. The had lunch at a little diner on the coast and got tons of berries. Then back to their house to stall Grampa by giving the girls bath and meeting us at Bumble. Gave JJ and I lots of time to set up for the party! This was the Instagram from thier fun day...

Signature cocktails - The Sidecar and French "65" ;)

Mr Jerry Christmas - always playing the part for a theme party!

campaign hats and badges - we still had regular customers outside which was a good distraction when Dad got there

all set up

waiting for guests to sneak in

and lined up for the big surprise

James and Em

Heff trying to text Jannie - she left her phone in the back of the car so we had radio silence!

There he is! returning from a full day of U-Pick strawberry picking with Jannie, Francie and Maisie

Francie first

Just thinking he's here for dinner with the Heffs at Bumble....

"What the...?"

totally surprised!

good job keeping the secret too Jannie :)

Jannie and Grampa ready to party!

lots of great friends to celebrate

Nothing like a balloon filled party to keep her happy

John showing all the places he lived on our map

Jannie and her buddy JJ

Maisie had to get in there too

Uncle Jerry saved the day for JJ who let her balloon go in the highest part of the restaurant

the girls took over the playroom and were the "teachers" for the night

and we just got STARFISH in the tank!! But one of them climbed up on the coral and then the mean Puffer knocked it down - Francie witnessed all this and made her Dad "save it's life" by flipping it back right side up

Happy Grampa! (where oh where will this banner end up... that is the question :)

Maisie asked for a "whole family picture" but her sisters were busy

JJ joined the party

closing down the place

3rd child mutual love here

thanks to our Executive Chef Marc for the amazing food!! Sauteed shrimp on fried polenta cakes were incredible... and they made up a special Zabaione - my Dad's old favorite - on Angel Food cake with berried for one of the desserts. DELISH!

Janie might fly away (and not too happy about this either)

fun night!!!

maybe he'll really run!? ;)