Turning 34

Thursday I had a great day on my 34th birthday! The girls brought me breakfast in bed, Heff stuck around to work the morning with me at a breakfast table at Bumble over laptops, the girls came down at 11am with Em for a special Andy Z concert at PLAY, Christin (her birthday too!) and Cat came to Bumble with the makings of a fun birthday lunch out on the patio at Bumble, we had Glamour magazine come do a photo shoot of a local "tech celeb" at Bumble and then we packed up the car and the kids to drive up to Red Bluff for a long easter weekend - and capped it off with family birthday dinner at Rubio's at the Nut Tree half way stop.

All around a great day - I couldn't have asked for a better birthday with my family doing a bit of the usual and a little extra fun. But I feel like everyday is my birthday thanks to my sweet husband and crazy little girls, I know I am very lucky to have them and all this fun in my life!

My present from Francie - love the assortment including a comb, baby shampoo, Ariel egg wrappers, candy and an orange. She worked very hard on decorating the box with Em all day!

Girls in dresses on one of the cool new playmats at PLAY (picked all the dresses themselves - Maisie pulled this Lily out and goes "Gaga- this still fit you?" No Maisie it's too small "Yessssssss." And so it begins...

"OH!" Jannie's not sure about all this love

Rocking out with ANDY Z!

Janie's trick lately - when she doesn't like something that much she plugs her ears

Pretty birthday flowers from my friend Cat!

Strutting their stuff back to Bumble with girlfriends

Cheers! Sunny lunch with girlfriends on the patio

Sharing our cupcakes with MaisieMoo

And Janie, post cupcake just chugging

JJ helping pose to check the lighting for the...

GLAMOUR magazine photo shoot!

my little buddies at Bumble Sebastian, Matthew and Dash serenaded me with "Happy Birthday to You" - they were so sweet!

Heff got me my favorite road trip snacks...

and then immediately after I took that picture some guy sideswiped us! Way to start the trip - but no big deal, always could be worse. Francie was fascinated "Is that guy going to JAIL now?!"

Road warriors - JJ glued to the screen to watch her first DVD in the car (Wild Alaskan Animals)

Rubio's road stop birthday dinner!

and I forgot to blog (or take any pictures but this slightly blurry one Heff took) my birthday dinner at Sundance Wednesday night with my family and a few friends -

Feels pretty good to be 34 - thanks for all the birthday love!