Weekend Recap

We had a great weekend enjoying the sunshine and getting stuff done around the house!  Friday night we met up with a bunch of friends at Bumble and took over the outdoor patio - then we let the kids loose on Night Bright after the playroom closed...

Francie and Maisie have been doing chores in the morning (making their beds and picking up toys mostly) but quickly realized if they sleep ON their quilts and pillows they have less to make up in the morning :)

Saturday afternoon Brian took the big girls to Pescadero for the annual Troopy convention. Janie and I stayed home to do some errands around town - we loaded up the stoller to make some deliveries at Play and Bumble and then get some groceries - she was a trooper.


I treated her to a frozen yogurt with sprinkles :) 

Happy baby girl (who says "Cheeee!" for the camera now - hence so many JJ pics :)

Francie and Emmy drew a Unicorn and hung it on my door - love the rainbow :)

Me and my J! She accessorized herself in necklace, purse, Sophie the Giraffe and BlaBla for our walk


Dad and his girls fixing sprkinler heads and cleaning up around the house Sunday.

and JJ in the new water trough on the back deck - refuses to do anything but climb to the highest point!

Sunday night impromptu BBQ dinner with friends.... our first of the season (and served on the hot tub :)

Sunday night JJ woke up after everyone was asleep - we snuggled on the couch until she would entertain the idea of going back to bed :)