Cousins Get-together

A few Sundays ago we had a cousins gathering at Bumble with my mom's extended side of her family. A few people were visiting from out of town so we all got together to visit and play with all the new babies! It was fun to see everyone and a nice sunny afternoon on the patio at Bumble.

Four babies - Chase, Ryder, Abby and Janie

With the cousins but whoever was taking the picture was a little off : ) Kristie and Chase, Lori and Ryder, Michael and Abby and Mary with J

a little better ;)

Jannie and Janie with Aunt JoAnn, Lori, Ryder and the Heiser boys

John Arnerich and John Simo

Girls under the umbrella

Francie and Katelynn in the Playroom

Hope to do this again soon cousins!