Machado Ranch Round Up!

Friday afternoon we packed up the Suburban and made our way down to San Luis Obispo for the Machado Ranch Round Up! Gary and my brother Jerry are best friends from High School and Jerry has been going to the annual Round Up on their family ranch for 15 years. We proudly serve Machado grass-few beef at Bumble for our burgers too so were excited to join in on the fun this year.

We spent the night at the Quality Suites in SLO and got up early to find the cowboys and cattle. The girls were pumped to "wrestle some calves" but took awhile to warm up when they saw the action in action. Patty is an awesome hostess and made us feel right at home all day enjoying the round up and a huge spread of food. We drove back Saturday night tired and looking like we'd been around cows all day!

Fun to be back in Jerr's college town too- burgers and beers at Firestone Grill Friday night

We found the Machado clan - Francie and Gary in a pinky swear (was supposed to be longhorn hands that Francie turned into pinky swears)

Quality Suites family overnight - always fun!!

Francie insisted on packing her own suitcase and hauling it herself. Contents: 3 stuffed animals and an American girl catalogue. Good thing I packed for her anyway! Horsey PJs for a horsey weekend

Early morning elevator ride to the Continental Breakfast buffet

landed at the ranch

Ready to do this.

The girls found Uncle Zoom-Zoom! (they call Jerry this because he pushed them so fast on swings/trikes)

found the calves - Maisie picked the "biggest mean one to wrestle" (the big black one)and named him Spider since that is a "weally mean name"

Checking out the babies

My stinkers

Janie LOVES dogs until the turn their head close enough to lick her face

This one cooperated

Zoom Zoom and dirty-face-baby

Francie found a good-luck-ladybug to share with Maisie until it hit the high road

Francie still searching for Ladybug, Maisie just chillin, JJ trying to convince someone to pick her up

Meeting Gary's horse Scout

Jnaie smirkin on Scout!

Heff and Ken Machado getting ready to Round Um Up!

Jerry, Gary, Mary (yes I know) and... Mary, Mary, and Mary ;)

at least we can throw a Heff in there- family shot with a Coors Light!

Time to get er done

I was pretty impressed with my brother Jerry's mugging skills!

Audience form the VIP box seats :)

Francie worked up the courage to get in the mix (these girls were all talk all morning) - you can spot the pink spec

Can you see her in there kneeling on that calf?!

Don't worry her Dad's got a grip on her for quick removal if he needs too

Pretty proud of herself!

We were pretty proud too France :)

Janie too busy eating patty's homemade Blueberry scones and being one-shoeless

Godfather trying to talk Maisie into giving it on a try (she claimed she was waiting for Spider)

High School buddies

Goofing around... the love :)

Patty the den mom making the rounds to make sure everyone is well fed and happy!

Janie had these guys laughing at her funny faces (loves to stick her tongue out)

More roping (to tag, brand, de-worm and castrate the bulls- all in a minute or two!)

JJ's turn in the pit with UJ

she was drooling on this rusty grandstand pipe and listening to her voice echo down it. Just getting her iron supplement!

the cute girls of the Machado boys (fiance, girlfriend and wife)

Annie, Gary and Jerry - Annie puts up w a lot from these two hooligans!

Sisters in the sun (it was pouring rain at home Saturday but luckily sunny and 65 in SLO!)

love the scowl Jannie

Janie in the mix

Binky babes with Jer and Heff... all good until...

Michael has to bring a cow ball in the picture!

yep. they went there.

Francie already knows enough to be grossed out ("Mom they cut those balls out so there won't be too many babies. And the meat tastes better without them.") check and check.

and the branding begins (the first batch of cows was to be sold so no brand)

This could be your next Bumble Burger Beef!

J and I almost ready for lunch

and/or naps :)

Gary made sure the "Lordy, Lordy Heff is 40" coozies made an appearance

Lizard looking

Maisie finally ready to give it a shot "I spray the blue stuff on da cows PWIVATES" (antiseptic)

she clung to Jerry for dear life but we'll give it to her

Future roper

The Ranch Manager has three kids almost exactly the same age as ours - Francie and Samantha here were fast friends sneaking 7-Ups all day

Photographer Maisie at the lens with a good sport uncle subject

The Newlyweds

Watermelon reward after a hard days work

Dinner's ON! Patty had a HUGE spread of appetizers waiting and THEN a huge BBQ dinner!

Very proud of themselves for solving the "how to we use Maisie's belt to make a throne when it's too short to tie?" Coors Lights!

What a fun day in the sun on Machado Brothers Ranch - we'll be back next year!