More Wyoming

I got a little off track posting the rest of the pictures from our fun trip to Jackson, WY. Seems fitting though since we are still talking about this trip and our new little ski bums almost everyday! Here is part two from the snow...

my big girls (Janie looks huge in a snowsuit) waiting to board the sleigh ride

Skeptic J (looking blond in the sun!)

Our view - just look past the bums :)

Maisie wouldn't take her new pink helmet off

Dad, Mom and JJ

Arriving at our picnic spot in the woods (still got a helmet, safety first)

Janie goes right for the snacks

Maisie didn't want to leave the horses she named "Shermum and Shermum" (after Oma's white horse Sherman)

Francie building a fort in the snow

and once Janie saw there was a fort to tear down - she was full steam ahead!

Francie let her "help" (in cute new hats from JanKnit she made in 24 hours after she heard we were snow bound!)

and the fun stops there (some injustice and they are both crying of course!)

Gotta build a snowman - sporting a Jannie hat too

and a binky to boot

Big girl Maisie moo in her "she'll grow into them" snow clothes

Maisie Loved skis. HATED snow shoes :)

I still love the little stinker - heading home for much needed naps!

and after naps back to the ski slopes in the sun! It snowed the first day and a half so we had fresh snow and warm sunshine the second two days. Perfect for the skiers and pretty nice for Janie and I to hang out and watch

"Moose here mom?!"

Here they come (hot pink helmets helped spot them)

Heff finally gave up his proud spot at the bottom of the hill watching his big girls and rented skis. He got 1 run in by himself and then caught up with the girls to ski with them - pretty happy dad!

Maisie making her way in like a big girl

Quick pic of all five of us (no kids looking of course) before they loaded up again

Away they go - Maisie carrying poles for her Dad

Big smiles from Francie

Going up in the Gondola for lunch after the last run of the trip

Janie was such a trooper in the backpack with me most of the day

Top of the mountain - elevation 10,000 + feet

a final (somewhat failed) attempt at a family photo before we left - Janie is on my back and you can't even see her

Cowgirls leaving Jackson Hole for home