
Lately we've been running around the usual fun and craziness of our life! Every day is something new and jam packed with working, playing with the girls and juggling who is home for naps or rainy day play time and who stays to help Mom at work or ride the elevator in Dad's office. Heff has been working from Los Altos about half his time which we all love! Emmy swoops in to take over the morning routine and Heff and I get to share breakfast burritos at Bumble over our laptops before we tackle the day. PLAY is about ready to open (we've taken some extra time to "test" it while it's still nice and quiet - people invading is always a challenge :) and Heff has been Super Dad lately giving me some extra time to pull it all together (including a solo trip to Alcatraz and the aquarium with all 3 girls) I love the craziness and my crazy little monsters!

Maisie and Clara at our house for a big family dinner the other night when Uncle Pat, Aunt Tricia and cousin Colleen were visiting - they change outfits about 20 times an evening but ended up with matching princess nightgowns

Jannie doing airplane rides after dinner -

pretty fun grandma!

The girls have been going to "Farm School" one afternoon a week at Hidden Villa - so JJ and I get to hang out solo

JJ supervising the guys in the kitchen at Bumble one afternoon while Mom worked (and ate) at the counter. She cracks them up on the job :)

Heart shaped coffee (not mine- still don't like coffee despite having Four Barrel at Bumble!) and soup of the day - always a big hit and the chefs have yet to repeat a soup!

As you can see Maisie loves it - but can't be interrupted on her busy call

Janie on the pin screen at PLAY! Getting organized and testing out the puppet show stage

Maisie doing her best handstand :)

Saturday morning family breakfast at Bumble (before Alcatraz!)

Alcatraz! Brian and the girls met the Pat Heff family on the island so Aunt Tricia has lots of photos to send me but she texted me this one and said "Adorable Dad!" I agree :)

We had a fun Arnreich (my mom's cousins) family get together at Bumble Sunday night - Francie reunited with her buddy Katelynn, fast friends tearing up the Playroom

JJ has been into EVERYTHING! More than her sisters ever did I think. She climbs to the highest point in a room and her favorite trick is to empty an entire drawer (diapers, clean underwear, tights) down the laundry chute one item at a time. It's a problem :)

her trick in action.

and another iPhone video I actually uploaded - the girls are really into playing wedding. They walk "through the cemetery - to the alta" to say their vows. Francie is also fixated on getting a cat (not going to happen) so she made Maisie repeat - "I wish, I wish - I wish for a cat- big or small. And I will love it with my ALL." then she says "now kiss - and we're married. And we'll get a cat." HA.

Jannie and Grampa had us over for Corned Beef and Cabbage for their weekly Tuesday night dinner w Katsy - Ann and Earl came too, just home form NYC!

Sleepy girls heading home from dinner in monkey PJS

and very exciting news - look what showed up on our doorstep today - Dad bought his big girls their own skis and ski boots! Maisie spent an hour learning how to put the boots in the bindings, take them apart and practiced skiing on the carpet = she went to bed with a shrine assembled with her skis, helmet, boots and a bouquet of flowers. She is her "gear loving" father's daughter!