Happy Birthday JANNIE!!!

We love our Jannie!!! It's her birthday today and we get to take her to lunch with the girls and then have a real adult dinner with my siblings, Grampa and Emmy. (JJ has turned back to her Dragon screaming so dinner out is not so fun right now, unless it's at Bumble of course :) The girls are working away on birthday cards for their Jannie right now...

We love all the cute clothes Jannie spoils the girls with (in line at 7am for these Missoni for Target sweaters!) AND of course the JanKnits she pours her heart into (sorry about those wool vests that went through the wash after wear ONE Jannie!

It's always a rush to the table for "I'm sitting next to Jannie!"

I'm so lucky to have a mom like Jannie - who taught me to be a fun mom to my girls too (I hope I am half the fun/good mom she was, although she holds the record for sitting on the floor playing board games with us/the girls for HOURS. I'm working on the stamina :)

Happy Birthday Jannie!