Instagram Life

Our "family portrait" by Francie on magnadoodle :) This week has been a busy one - and it's only Tuesday! Sunday we took the girls to play at Jannie and Grampa's for a bit while Heff and I loaded up the truck with junk left over from clearing out Brilliant Babies. Uncle Jerry was there and Janie was smitten. She refused to come back to me or Brian!

Third child mutual love )she was about to sneeze in this picture ;)

Out with the old - so sad but we cleared out the old BB space to lease it and had to take down this little book shelf Heff made me for the space when we opened 5 years ago, right after we got married. It was the perfect little book shelf but wouldn't transport well :)

but when we go out with the old - we come in with the new! Creating a new fun playspace for kids in Los Altos called "PLAY!" (more on that later :)

 Walking downtown Monday afternoon. Francie appropriately calls Janie the little beaver with her sharp front top and bottom teeth. But she was very confused when she wasn't having the stick she tried to feed her :)

Maisie Moo decked out in PINK insists on pushing her stroller everywhere. It takes awhile (especially in the "zebra flip flops" worn in the middle toes - but had to show off her first pedicure even in the COLD weather!)

Francie at school Tuesday morning painting with two of her friends (taking after her aunts - a head taller than most of the girls - why my brothers used to call my sister Ann-dre the Giant in grade school)

and this afternoon we were all tired out so everyone took a nap- JJ and I were the first ones up playing "where is your ear?" for a half hour before we heard footsteps (Francie and Maisie have been sleeping in the same bed lately - it has 12 pillows on it and they call it their couch :) 


and happy, crazy Maisie after her bath - she's a nut.