Birthday Girl MaryJane

Janie turned ONE on Saturday - we had a fairly quiet family day but I think Janie was pretty happy with all the extra attention on her all day.

She woke up to a sprinkled donut her sister's got her at the donut shop. And a rainbow candle to kick things off...

calls for closer inspection

blowing out the candle - good thing there is only one :)

digging in

Heff took all three girls to a birthday party at 11 (Mardi Gras theme!) where the girls waited in line for cake and Janie couldn't get enough of the rice and beans - sounds about right! The birthday kids...

Then home for her big nap and Emmy came over to help bake cakes. One for JJ and one for Dad's belated birthday

Family dinner - just the five of us (Francie picked corn, "Janie's favorite")

Her favorite words appropriately are HOT-a (every candle) and HAT-a!

I told Heff we should do a smash cake so when he went to the store he got chocolate cake and chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles.... ON PURPOSE! He's nuts :)

After a little cry after she touched the candle episode - she's ready to dig in

"Hummmmm, not bad"

"I'm really allowed to do this?"

Two hands

Now this is a party

Maisie offering to help. Janie skeptical

Go for it JJ

Decided she's gotta stand up to REALLY get into this (don't look at the soggy diaper halfway falling off :)

and we're done.

Dad's turn (Janie appropriately chugging REAL milk for an after cake birthday treat :)

Don't worry we made her sit down

Somebody call CPS

and then Sunday - Round 2 celebration with my family and the Carters!

They are getting good at this

Little sister love

I love all of their expressions here :)


Me: "Francie can I take your picture with Maisie?"
Francie "Ugh no mom."
Me: Francieeee (in THE voice :)
Francie: "FINE." (fake smile, realized Maisie isn't looking)
"MAISIE! LOOK right there at mom and pretend to smile!"
Nice Francie

and then after dinner Janie got to pick out her special 1st birthday piggy bank - a tradition every year. They are all on the shelf in the laundry room, Francie's on her 1st birthday had $300 dollars in it! These days there are so many piggy banks in the collection to fill... it's more like an family trip to ice cream - but no one is complaining!

She liked this big kitty - but Jannie swayed her away since "That is my American Airlines collectors one JJ... MAYBE you don't want that one :)"

She went home with the first one she had grabbed - a mini kitty! Good choice JJ and thanks Jannie and Grampa!

Happy ONE to JJ (and pretty happy for these three girls)