We pulled off a surprise party somehow! Susan's 40th was Feb 15th so her husband Erik and I were complaining a few weeks ago about what the heck to do for our spouses... we said "we should do a surprise party" YES "Together!" YES "At Bumble!" DONE. We had some mutual friends anyway and could easily fake drinks/dinner out that night before to celebrate both bdays. It was a little tricky to pull off and Heff might have had an idea something was up but Susan was TOTALLY shocked. We met for drinks in DTLA before and then I had Bumble call my phone at 7:15 and say the ABC was at Bumble arresting someone for underage drinking (the only way to get 3 lawyers to leave their drinks and follow me to Bumble :) It worked!

The set up...

Christian and Kate - THANKS for all the set up help and flowers Kisstian!!

guests outside ready for the SURPRISE

Susan's cute grandparents enjoying the quiet back by the fish tank

Coming in... it was kind of dark, Susan was like "oh my god they shut you down."

Susan - in shock! Heff, kinda surprised :)

Erik retelling the story :)

the back room was packed!

Jannie and the Keeps

Blurry picture with the new pink coozie :) We did coozie favors for our wedding (camo that said "Chillin' with the Heffs") and green ons for Francie's 1st bday but since the girls use them DAILY for their bottles and sippy cups our supply has dwindled to pretty ragged ones. They fight over one pink one we have so now there are plenty to go around :)

Friends and Family

The moms! Oma and Jannie

We did a little video for each of them with their "side" of friends in the playroom - lots of baby and embarrassing pictures :) It worked out well to have the joint party (took a little pressure of the birthday kids!) and each group was in the playroom after the video for a little

The Jans! (with their men over their shoulder) First time they haven't been in coordinating outfits at an event :)

All the Heffs! Brian was MOST shocked that every one of his siblings, spouses and his mom were there. On a Tuesday night nonetheless! Maureen, Doug, Kat & Donald drove down from red Bluff that afternoon and drove BACK after the party that night. That's serious sibling dedication. Thanks guys!

Heff gave a sweet toast to his wife after the video, I'm so lucky to be married to this guy :)

More friends celebrating

The Forty Year Olds! (Susan's birthday was Feb 15- the next day, so we made her glasses say "Susan's Last Hurrah at 39" :)

Mary, Brian, Susan and Erik (Erik and I knew each other from high school and Brian went to law school with BOTH Susan and Erik- they have three boys almost the same ages as our three girls too)

Sandra and Chirssie and going to KILL me for posting this picture so I'll make it small :) I miss my McKendry neighbors!! These two are too much fun.

The lights are on some timer to go off in the Family Room at 10pm every night (gotta fix that for parties :) and people thought we were kicking them out :) no way we went late night at Bumble! But I love the way the fish tank looks when the place is dark...

Our awesome servers and hostess at Bumble - we love these girls! They did such a great job at the party and were very nice to work late on Valentines day

We gave sparklers as favors - leave it to cousin Kate and Christian to light them INSIDE! I started imagining the sprinklers going off and made them go outdoors

Sparkler love

What a fun night!

Closing down the place

Taking wine glasses and loot back to the car - Happy Birthday Heff and Susan!