MY Surprise :)

This is what showed up on a rainy Monday morning as my early Valentines present... I was so excited I didn't even care that my hair was getting all frizzy and I was freezing. I had been joking I needed a GEM golf cart to zip to work sometimes and then Heff saw this Electric Vehicle made my Polaris that just came out a few weeks ago. It's a little 2-seater, totally street legal, just plugs in to charge and goes 25 miles an hour! Heff asked a few people who know me well (Emmy:) if they thought I would like this too - everyone's response was "DONE." Nice work Heff, I LOVE IT!

The guy who delivered it (if you want one you have to buy it from him :) took our picture in the rain

Our new work commute

Crusing to DTLA.

These stinkers like it too

Leaving Heff's party - perfect for hauling stuff home and driving right up on the sidewalk :) THANKS HEFF!!!