Weekend Recap

We were pretty lazy and anti-social this weekend... but somehow managed to get some stuff done around the house. The girls were big helpers and changed into about 14 different sets of PJ's over three days. I think they put on real clothes to go to church for 1 hour the whole weekend.

Heff took them for 6 hours early on Saturday morning on a "secret mission" - he hinted it was a Valentines present but since it's Heff's BIRTHDAY on Valentines Day he is never allowed to get me anything. But my curiosity was killing me so he spilled the beans Saturday night - it's the BEST GIFT ever, better than jewelry! Next blog post will tell :)

Friday night we did the final menu tasting at Bumble before we roll out the new dinner menu. Asparagus and pistachio flatbreads and a grass-fed burger with carmelized onions and BACON MARMALADE. All Heff's idea, so good.

then we stopped at the neighbors after early Bumble dinner and the girls all got in their bath and stole three sets of PJ's. Don't open the door if these stinkers knock after dark!! J says "who me?"

Saturday morning Heff had all 3 up at 6am for the "secret errand" - all he told me was he was taking all three girls and going to Santa Rosa (since he knew I could track him on Latitude ;) and I wish this picture was from the actual adventure - they were in miss-matched-dirty PJ's when he pulled them out of bed. This picture was from last Thursday when they went to Hidden Villa, I just hadn't posted it - kinda the same :)

I slept-in in a quiet house and then got to work on a new project we are getting going. Kind of a replacement for closing Brilliant Babies in Menlo Park.. it's going to be called "PLAY!" in downtown Los Altos 2 blocks from Bumble.

Rolling out the red BLUE carpet for the new space

Then the girls and Heff met me at Bumble with sealed lips
Me: "What did you get Mommy Maisie?"
Maisie: "Um. Nofing."
Me: "I'll give you an M&M if you tell me."
Maisie: "Um. A motorcycle." (not believing you Maisie)
and we had a late brunch date with my blog-friend-turned-real-friend Kerri who was in town for a super quick visit- it was so fun to catch up with her and her friend Susie! Then back home to change out of dirty-adventure-PJ's into new sleepers (oh yeah I hit the Carter's outlet 40% off sale while they were gone too - awesome Saturday morning :)

We usually eat dinner together but Saturday night, after a no nap day (Janie took 1 instead of 2) we fed the monsters, let them watch the iPad in the other room and had an in-house date night. Tri-tip on the BBQ and brussels w red grapes. yum.

See you in the morning little J. (sorry third child- sleeping with a lamby that says "Maisie" and you even have your own from the Pat/Tricia Heff's but it is Ariel's blanket right now. Can't be touched)

We even lit candles, big time ;) I only took this "awkward dinner photo" because he was firing up the computer to SHOW ME my surprise (he might be as impatient as I am) and I had to document my cheesy excitement

S'mores by the fireplace (way too lazy/cold to go back down to the BBQ - Heff called us all whimps)

Sunday we tried to start our red wine vinegar barrel finally - but the barrel started leaking so we had to soak it (smart husband wouldn't let me put this starter I've been growing for 8 months in until we "tested it" with old red wine. Good thinking. And I wish I could say this sloppy handwriting and major spelling error was written by my 4 year old. It was me. Vinegar is a weird word to spell!!!

the prosciutto is still hanging/curing. Not gonna lie this kinda grosses me out.

Francie didn't "care for" the tri-tip sandwiches Heff made for lunch so she brought down a picnic for herself. Three lunch boxes - one with 2 bananas, one with 4 apples, and one with 5 oranges. (I really did dress them cute for church - then Ariel and Tinkerbell nightgowns were on an hour after we got home)

Beauty Queens after bathtime - found my clip-on earrings from James&Em's wedding. Hot stuff :)

NOT so happy about this :)

Sunday night books climbing all over Dad. They "pause" him while he is reading books by hitting him in the nose. Poor Dad.

and finally I haven't even blogged about the latest addition to our household. Goldy and BlackSpots (aka Hot Dog) the giant goldfish who swim upside down (and Francie reminds us "do NOT have tonic immobility" - watching too many shark documentaries) Francie negotiated these "But Ollie NEEDS a pet-friend!" and Ollie isn't doing too hot lately so Heff gave in. He took them to the pet store however and we ended up with this giant, noisy thing. I would have made them survive in a jar but then again they probably would not have "survived" if I'd been in charge.