Picking Our Christmas Tree

Saturday we went out on the hunt for a Christmas tree! We went back to our old stomping grounds to support the Nativity School tree lot and stooped at Jeffrey's for burgers and shakes on the way. The girls were in their German outfits Oma brought them back from her trip (we took a photo for Oma in the morning and they didn't want to change out, Francie said "Mom I just feel so grown up in this outfit.") so we were quite the scene at the tree lot (ie "does that crazy lady dress her kids like that all the time?" sort of :) . Jannie and Grampa met us there and we hauled a tree home for them too!

Tess in her coordianting outfit (no dirndls for infants :) 

off we go

Maisie insisted on holding Tess - she's not so sure

JJ found her Jannie and Back-wa!

Big girl, feeling so grown up :) (now just act like it little stinker!)

all of us, barely 

family photo try #2

Little J keeping us on our toes

Candy Canes for bribery

Jannie and Grampa love! (Maisie was already buckled in the car - once buckled you don't get out :)

Tree made it in the door - hasn't made it to decorating stage yet. and we STILL can't find Fisbee the Elf!! Man what a waste of all these days of scare-tactic parenting. Moving did not bode well for last year's utterance from Heff "I hid that Elf so well the girls will never find it."... humm us either!