Surgery Went Well!

Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers for Tess! We are home and all is well. Tessa had her surgery this morning to fix her blocked tear duct. We were at the Ford Surgery center and Stanford Children's Hospital at 6:30am - we were 20 minutes early and my Dad was already there - he wanted to wait with us and make sure everything was ok :) thanks Dad. I felt horrible because Tess usually nurses a few times in the night but she slept soundly after midnight and didn't wake up until we did at 5am - an hour past the last allowable time to feed her! I should have set an alarm for 3:30 - but she took a binky instead and wasn't even cranky about it, what a good girl not to give her mom a guilt trip :)

The surgery went well - it was "more complicated" than Dr Alcorn expected since the blockage was severe and had actually started moving the anatomy of her duct away from the canal. But they were able to open it up and now we just hope it stays open so she won't need another srgery to put a stent in. We are all relieved and thankful surgery went well and Tess is ok!! She's been sleeping on my chest at home ever since.

Tuesday night Jannie, Grampa and Uncle Kevin were here for dinner and laying low before surgery day. Jannie brought yummy dinner so I got to do lots of just holding Tiny :)

5am wake up call. Dad needs coffee

Skeptical Tess - "Why are we up so early and what are you about to do to me?"

Grampa getting some Tess time in (I think it's so sweet my Dad is ALWAYS there when anyone of us has any kind of medical or worrisome related anything to go through - he;s the best :)

they took us back to the room to get her stats and vitals (almost 12 pounds now!) and put a teeny tiny hospital gown on her.

Still binky-ed up doing better than I thought without eating. They gave her a little vial of sugar water to "trick her tummy"!

we waited in the family waiting rooms for 45 minutes - they have a screen with updates on when surgery starts and ends. Then they called us back to meet her in post-op. She was so sad and hungry!

Poor Tess - but she calmed down pretty quick, ate and slept and has been really mellow and sleepy since.

pretty swollen eye (with a little heart above it so they made sure to do the right one ;) They had a bed for her to stay over but she did well and they said she could recover at home! very good news

and right now we are home cozy on the couch watching "Call the Midwife" on this rainy day (great show, especially when you are thankful to be snuggling a healthy little baby) I am SO thankful she is ok and hopeful it really fixed her little eye duct! We will watch it and hope for the best now.