Red Bluff Piggy Weekend

We went up to Red Bluff for the weekend so Heff could go on a pig hunt with Chef Marc from Bumble - farm fresh bacon, yum! :) We were lazy and hung out at Oma's cozied up inside. The girls were so excited when he brought home this huge pig (the morning pig went straight to the butcher and the girls were so bummed - "luckily" the second pig was home after dark and butcher was closed - we got to help string it up overnight at home!

driving up Thursday night - Tess needed a diaper change at a Chervon pit stop. Maisie was helpful :) poor fourth child.

Tiny Tess Smile! Love that face!

Friday we stayed cozy inside playing Ticket to Ride and puzzles until the sun came out for a few minutes and we ventured out - it was cold and rainy! We lasted all of 20 minutes but felt like we got some good outdoor time and could go back to being lazy :)

Francie in the wind

Tess and France - movie coma and not sure about this face

Chef Marc and his daughter Britny came up with us so the guys could go pig hunting - the girls loved having their buddy Britny there and she was so good with all of them!

JJ and Lauren

pretty happy to see this text - Marc got a white pig and Heff got a black piggy!

the girls helped string him up :)

muddy and loving it

Saturday morning Target trip with Oma, Kat and Lauren - a tradition we take seriously (and it was Neiman Marcus for Target release day - nothing touched on the shelves in Redding!)

and making cookies with Aunt Kat - also a must-do according to Francie!

driving home Saturday night to beat the storm, FOUR SLEEPERS! Heff and I accomplished so much just talking without anyone needing anything. amazing.

I love car time. sitting looking out the window thinking and talking to my husband.

then home Saturday night jammied up watching Dad clean out the gutters during the rain

and JJ sleeping in a big girl bed for the first time Saturday night!! She's such a big girl.