Catching Up

The Thursday before Christmas Emmy was sick so we had impromptu work with mom day. Tessa had an eye appointment so Heff took JJ to avoid the wrath of Crazy J in a hospital waiting room and then I picked her up to go to Bumble with me and Tess. We got the girls at school and went to Bumble to get some last minute work done before the holiday craziness starts!

Francie at Nutcracker preschool practice - the Guiding Light! (more pics from the show next :)

Tess had a morning appointment to check on her eye - all good. Very thankful the surgery fixed the tear duct!

Cheeese! JJ the candy cane

a little Area 151 arcade play after they earned some good behavior points at Bumble - never gets old! I played one handed while Tessa took her nap

stopping by to see Christian and Cousin Kate at the store 

and rocking JJ to sleep - she's spent :)