Uncle Jerry's 60th

Unlce Jerry turned SIXTY! John and Kim had a family bash at their house in Aptos Saturday night to celebrate. It was a fun night to toast the Big Guy. Heff got 2+ inch prime steaks from our meat purveyor that were amazing and my brother Jerry made an awesome video tribute to Big Uncle Jerry with interviews from his siblings and voice over by Francie and Maisie :) it took a ton of work and was so fun to everyone to watch.  The girls had a blast with their big cousins (technically my cousins :) and didn't wnt to leave. Good thing Christmas is only a few days away!

Francie adores Ella who was so sweet with her all night (and always!) 

little stinkers on the couch - missing Maisie

that's Maisie high-tailing it from photo ops!

but then my brother Jerry asked them to pose on the couch and THIS was the result. Wow. 1) they listen to him 2) the George Costanza posing is more than a little awkward. Maisie's face is priceless, she's such a funny kid!

Special watsonville family birthday cake. lots of candles UJ!

letting the stinkers blow out the candles

Happy Birthday Big Jerry!!