First Pizza Oven Party!

Friday night we had a bunch of family over to break in the pizza oven! Aunt Francy and Opa Bob were in town, Kat and Donald were here to stay with us for the weekend, Oma was here for a night and it was Uncle Mark's birthday - lots of fun, family and craziness!

Jannie gave Heff lots of MIL-ly advice on how to make pizzas :) just kidding it was all much needed and well received nagging Jannie!

LaLa Francy brought books for all the kids - she picked a special one out for each of them knowing their personalities - she's amazing!

Happy Birthday to Uncle Mark had to restart a few times when Maisie kept discreetly blowing the candle out ;)

HBD Uncle Mark!

Kids table

Jannie and her buddy

Opa Bob, Lala and Oma

Did you notice this beauty in the first picture? Heff and the guys in the kitchen at Bumble had a Mo-vember thing going - I'm not even sure what was happening here but her grew a beard, let Francie pick a mustache from google images and shaved it for 24 hours.