Just Some Photos

Just a few photos I haven't blogged since Tessa joined the bunch

and a few pictures from Jannie's phone - the first night I was back in the hospital. She had the big girls overnight and they ALL wanted to sleep on our bed. And a photo of me holding my new baby girl for a few nights at Stanford - I would say those were nights I wouldn't have wanted to remember but since I had Tessa and Heff with me we were a-ok, just a few more nights at Camp Packard :) We will remember that time with Tess!

Big hands baby Heff flashing her sign (can't see the pinky) but it's a FOUR :)

sweet baby - with a little janudice skin, looks like a Palm Springs tan Tess

the one and only time we've been in the car with all six of us - strollering/walking to town is so much easier! Although we were laughing at the fact I am such a stroller collector, but somehow got rid of every single stroller we've had - only giant doubles full of goldfish crackers :)

so we get downtown in the Moby wrap

All set up for her first pediatrician visit

Kinda looks like Francie?

Look at all those poor heel pricks from NICU blood draws!

Big yawn in the morning

furrowed brow

close up (looks like Francie again)

and one from her behind the scenes "1 week shoot" :) trying to keep the scale steady - she already looks so much bigger and pretty sure this little blue bubble suit that was mine only fits for the first 7 days!

and on her special blanket from Aunt Marge - all four of them have the same one now!