Trip to the SF Zoo

Saturday morning Heff packed up the three big girls to go to the SF Zoo so I could work at Area 151 and see how things were going on day 2! Once I got there, everything was running smoothly (SO much easier than the restaurant business, like 1000x easier!) I was sad to miss their fun so I caught Heff at the gas station and Tess and I piled in the truck with them. It was a surprisingly warm sunny day at the Zoo and we powered through to all the animals with a short stop for tri-tip sandwiches and beers!

parked and ready to roll

first stop - gorillas


yes we brought a child to the Zoo without shoes. oops :)

the fountain - half way point through the zoo calls for relaxing

super excited to let me take their picture (even Heff might have been complaining :)

duck pond

watch out for the black bear

This kid gets crazier everyday - love the faces she makes

and her perch on the "pack-pack"

funny Maisie wearing the peacock like a headdress (Francie was not amused - this was the WRONG way!)

"THIS is how you do it Maisie."

They made Dad check his wingspan

no one was having my picture taking so I had to take a self portrait of me and Tess on her first trip to the zoo

and without the double chin :)

water break

Kids Farm (my favorite part)

Bee exhibit (JJ was freaking out "SHOO bee! No bee!!" since she's been stung twice!

power walking to the treat shop at the end

JJ has to do everything "SELF!"

come on - just take a picture with Mom!?

treat shop yielded pink binoculars. Can you spy Francie?