Red Bluff Baptism

We were in Red Bluff last weekend for a double baptism/double birthday for the cousins! Lauren and Molly were baptized and it was Oliver's 2nd and Patrick's 4th birthday. Kat and Donald just moved into a beautiful new house in Red Bluff and we had the party there Saturday after mass (we missed mass after the the truck breakdown!) Then we all convened at Oma and Opa's house for the rest of the weekend for lots of hanging out with the whole gang. Always fun and crazy to get everyone together!

Big guy Oliver - happy 2 years! He got dirty to celebrate ;)

Izzy and Francie - the 5 year old buddies

Daddy and Tessa

Oliver showing JJ the dirt so she could join in

Ducky and OD

sleepy girl


Heff and his little mini-me

time for presents

love Kat's new house!

Maisie holding baby sis

couch of cousins

think they're tired?

the last litter of babies - all girs in 5 months!

Molly, Lauren, Ilona and Tessa

future BFF's

invasion of big sisters

speaking of big sisters

photo of all 15? yeah right

crazy JJ

Isabel getting some good ear rubs on Ilona (she loves ears, cold ones preferably she says!)

10 of 12 girls

back to Oma's for pizza and playing

Andrea brought her newborn baby props so we set up a photo shoot for Tess - lots of good helpers too although Tess was a squirmy thing

how not to look like a sweet, innocent newborn...

that's better :)

this too

Indian summer swimming fun

Andrea and Ilona

naptime on Oma's couch

love this picture of mom and her crazy girls!

my biggest and littlest

Tess and Ilona

locking arms!