Pumpkin Patch

Friday after preschool we wanted to go to a Pumpkin Patch while my sister was in town but none of the ones around here opened until Saturday. I found one online in San Jose in the Big Lots parking lot that opened Friday morning so we packed up 4 girls in carseats, ABA, Emmy, Jannie and I (TG for suburbans!) and drove down for some pumpkins. It was a super clean pumpkin patch with 10 bouncy house/slides and really good pumpkins that were cheap. We left with happy, sweaty girls and some good pumpkins- worth the trek to San Jose!

bribery to sit for a photo before they bounced

Janie was not happy about sitting on scratchy hay - giving me the evil eye

at least 50% smiling - pretty good these days

My four little pumpkins :)

and we turned them loose - it was 90 degrees out, I'd want to be in a giant plastic thing wouldn't you?

Jannie and her buddy JJ

ABA, Francie and Baby Tess

Hauling their pumpkins

and some awkward posed baby-on-some-pumpkins photos (Ann yelled at me for putting Tess in "Anne Geddes unnatural poses for a newborn" shots) sorry couldn't resist :)

Tess was a little more cooperative than Francie was 5 years ago!!
FRANCIE at Pumpkin Patch 2007:

and Francie the same weekend in the same outfit Tess wore to the pumpkin patch! (I gotta update those Parallel Pics!)
FRANCIE Oct 11, 2007

come on it's cute right? ;)

Ann and Emmy sticking up for Tess

I got them back and made them pose with a giant inflatable scarecrow

Packing in pumpkins

and what happens when you take a tired Maisie's binky out

the usual chaos getting back in the car - and JJ insists on a "helmie"