Hawaii - January 2012

Janie's hawaiian adventure is almost over! We've had an awesome week hanging out with my sister and Christian for a girl's getaway - we were spoiled to get to sneak away for a week of relaxing, beach time, pool fun with JJ, cocktails and hanging around in pj's laying on our laptops. Thanks Heff, Jannie and Grampa and Emmy for taking good care of my big girls so I could do this!!

Little Glamour Girl (she learned how to say ABA and a few more animal sounds, ALMOST took her first "step" (don't worry Heff, she's waiting on the real thing to show her Dad and sisters ;) and started baby signing more on this trip - amazing what a little only child time can do for a third kid!)

Early morning walk with ABA and JJ. Janie must have a serious internal clock. She slept in a pack-and-play in a bathroom all week (just like she loves it dark and with a fan on!) and woke up at 6:45/7 every day which as 9am at home when she usually wakes up!

fancy hat JJ (her other new word her Dad thought her is "hhhat"

"Now THIS is the life."

wide angle iPhone lens (thanks James and Em for the fun christmas present) from my chair while Jannie napped in her stroller - ahhhhhh

sunbathers (ABA might kill me for posting :)

pretty happy


little almost walker

an AWKY picture but just wanted to remember how much I love this little stinker attached to my hip while I try to get ready in the morning - she loves being in someone's arms and I've almost mastered the mascara and eye-liner with-one-hand-while-keeping-the-other-part-away-from-her-hands thing. I love those chunky thighs and cute little feet - especially in her lounge PJ's :) When did she get so big?!

Baby pool time (JJ got Fruit Loops and Goldfish crackers delivered poolside to rival mom's Ginger Blossom cockatil :)

love a sleeper

so sad - dropping ABA off at the front for the airport (she left a day early since she has THREE flights to get back to Nashville - 2 days of travel!) Glad you came all this way Baby Ann!!

I was sticking my bottom lip out about this too JJ

"Ahhhh our trip is almost over?!"