More Weekend

Sunday morning we also hosted the Baby Gear Yard Sale at Bumble. Francie, Maisie, Janie and Clara were big helpers. We even made signs and had tags for all teh stuff! The girls had fun being salesladies but we didn't have many buyers that morning so the Swap was kind of a flop! Maybe in the spring? We sold 2 strollers and a carseat. Oh well it was something to do on a Sunday morning!


Maisie was more excited I "found her new trike!" (they have these overalls at Target right now for $16. Love them!)

Big girls walking home from Bumble (yes Francie loves this outfit right now)

and Sunday night we took the big girls and Emmy, Kat and Donald to see Cirque du Soliel Michael Jackson with a bunch of friends! It was a little crazy but a good show.

"What the heck is this all about? I just want to eat my hot dog" Luckily they took a potty break with Dad and Emmy for the Thriller scene!

Big show for big girls (Janie and Oliver stayed home with Lauren the awesome babysitter!)

JJ says "I'll show you for leaving me out"

 Oh and big girl went to gymnastics Saturday for a few hours - we were downtown and a friend picked her up to go play so she picked out this REAL gymnastics outfit from the kids clothing store downtown. We sent her and her friend in with $20 to shop!