Sunday with the Girlies

It's only 3:30 and we've had a busy day! (*SIDE NOTE - I must be seriously sleep deprived if I thought Saturday was Sunday! This was all on Saturday- just called Sunday since I can't think straight!)

Cousin Grant stayed over last night and we had a party at Bumble with Aunt Tere, Uncle Bill, Jannie, Grampa, Cousin Kate and Cousin Grant and some friends.

Then we were all up early (despite my best efforts to sleep in) for some Bumble coffee and a busy day...

it was the Los Altos 64th Annual Pet Parade downtown (Heff had to work hard to convince Francie Ollie did not need a bath and a new leash to participate)

Then a BUSY morning at Bumble- we made heart shaped hard boiled egg halves for the Bee Bites menu :)

and sliders three ways for lunch

then we all blew off some steam at Stanford - the girls got to play around on the gymnastics equipment while Dad went for a run.