Mornings with Emmy

I love these Emmy! And I really love that when I am busy at work in the morning my girls are with the next best person- their awesome cousin EMMY :) Em is 9 years younger than me (only 9 months younger than my sister Ann) and we grew up about as close as sisters. Our moms were sisters and I was really close to Emmy's mom- my godmother Kaky. I am so thankful for all the time I get to spend with Em and for how much she loves my girls. She is SO GOOD with kids and babies just like her mom was... it's not easy to get three little girls up, fed, dressed and out the door to the park for a picnic or to the library for story time- she manages it with more ease than I do certainly! And she really loves it - just check out her facebook newsfeed where the highlights of her day are little girls being silly and the new triple stroller we added to the collection :) Francie, Maisie and Janie ADORE her and practically jump out of my arms for Emmy's. Heff and I are so lucky to have you in our lives and especially our girls lives Em- we love you!!

Don't you wish you were having this much fun with Emmy and the girls this morning? I DO!