Wait, What Just Happened?

These last 3 days have been a little CRAZY. Ok maybe a lot crazy. The picture above is a good summary! (the 7 Carter-Simo siblings at Beth's wedding in the photobooth- we all carpooled/teased/grew up as neighbors and shared Sunday Night Dinners for a lot of years! Not sure how we managed to get all of us in that photobooth at once but I love this picture!)

I have way too much to blog but here is a mini re-cap. Since Friday in our little world we…

*Welcomed Heff and Uncle Donald home (thankfully. and this pic was from the send off ;) from a 12 day hunting adventure in the Alaskan Wilderness. Yes he left the day after Bumble opened but trip had been planned for 2.5 years!

(my husband is THIS insane and I am weird enough that I love it :)

*Had a big (hilarious) night out for Beth and Greg's Rehearsal dinner that anded up with this picture on my iPhone after tearing up Downtown Palo Alto

*Hosted a Bridesmaid Luncheon at Bistro Vida for Bethy and these 9 lovely ladies (sorry this pic was from a pre-wedding drink at the bar the next day but I forgot my camera at Bridesmaid luncheon!)

*Had a blast at Bethy's wedding Saturday night!

*Had fun cousin fest sleepovers at our house with 10 Heffernan house guests for the hunters return/birthday/baptism (and Oma was here all week- thanks OMA!)

*Baptized MaryJane on her 7 month birthday

*Which was also this big girl's 4th birthday (we went for mother-daughter birthday pedicures and I let Francie pick my toe color/flowers/sparkle - I will be wearing shoes for awhile ;)

*Threw an Ariel/Little Mermaid theme party for Francie's big 4th birthday (it was a combined family baptism party for anyone who thinks it's weird they didn't get invited!)

*Worked long days at Bumble - check out our new cool Lego walls in the kids outdoor area

*and had ABA and Pat home for the weekend for the wedding and baptism/birthday celebrations!

So why am I up at 2am instead of sleeping? GOOD QUESTION! We are going to be happy to get back to our little family routines this week. Good night :) more blog posts later.