Missoni Girls
/Jannie scored some Missoni for Target for the girls last week on the crazy day Target was sold out by 8:02am! You better believe she was there early at the Sunnyvale Target (our fav 2 story store) and found cute sweaters and ballet flats for the big girls and an adorable outfit for Janie. Jsanie and Oma were going to take the girls to lunch Wednesday but decided they couldn't NOT come to Bumble so we had a fun afternoon hanging out at Bumble with all the ladies.
JJ and the castle her sisters built
She is officially a crawling machine
I love her expressions lately :)
Maisie in her BumbleBee get up she made with the playroom teachers
Thanks Jannie for the cute clothes (and waking up early for them!) and Oma for all the help this week!
craziness. When is my husband coming home?! (he flew in this morning- TG and can't wait to post his trip pictures! don't check this blog for a few days if you are a PETA member)