Safari Adventure

Saturday and Sunday we drove out to Santa Rosa for an overnight party at Safari West with some friends - the girls loved it! Brian was hunting with Donald (more on that later!) so Oma, AUnt Kat and Oliver came along with us. Maisie said "Mama- next time- we come here - we come with DADDY!" They knew it was right up dad's alley- tent camping in the wild with wild safari animals all around us! We didn't get all that much sleep but we survived a "camping night" even without my camping husband :)

Oma and Kat with the under 1 year olds ready to go on a Santa Rosa Safari

When we arrived they had a "petting zoo" out on the grass - Oma introduces Janie to a Burmese Python

Picking ou tour truck for the jeep tour

I didn't know they had monkeys on Safari?!

Francie says "MOM it's a Scarlet Macaw!!" (thanks Diego)

Big girls riding high in the Jeep

Pretty cool!

The King and Queen of Safari West - the Rhino's

Oliver snacking while he tours the wild

Maisie not so sure- she scooted all the way over when we came near big animals

and back to clean up for dinner in our tent cabins after the tour

Francie and her buddy who showed up dressed exactly alike!

Decked out for dinner! Why wouldn't you dress up as wild animals when you are among them right?! :) (check out JJ peeking out from the lion head)

I mean- Maisie you just crack me up (this was BEFORE she barfed all over mom after dinner and said "uh oh I barf on my cheetah costume?! You wash my cheetah costume mom!?" priorities.)

Oliver joins the crowd

Wild cousins

JJ the Lion says Raaaaarrr!

Janie trying to bat the lion mane out of the way

Maisie still has a thing for Oliver- and he loves her right back

"I see you Ah-ver!" - check out Oliver walking like a big guy!

That's a lot of wild animal bums in one shot ;)

Up close

Little Cheetah walking to dinner

Always on the lookout

The kids found a tree to climb and were pretty happy while we had wild wine on the patio :)

I missed the photo op but after waking up at 4am the girls snuck outside to say good morning to the giraffes when the sun came up. A pretty cool place for an overnight!