Lemonade For Sale!

Francie has been asking for a week to have her own Lemonade Stand with the cute little rolling cart Jannie and Grampa gave her for her birthday. She plays "Lemonade Stand" a lot in the playroom but wanted to earn some real money - that a girl :) So today we finally packed up our supplies and headed for Shoup Park. We had a line a dozen kids deep and had to get more lemonade! Then after the crowds thinned we took the stand up to the Redwood Grove entrance and got all the kids and parents as they were leaving camp. Francie came home tired, with a big smile and $16 in her pocket. Pretty good day for a three year old!

paving the way

Maisie got to keep a few quarters to be the helper

working on the stand-behind-your-cart concept

Bubbles helped draw the big crowds ;)

Redwood Grove for the second shift

Maisie's "I hold janie?" face when she got sick of being bossed around by her big sister

Nice work France - she was so excited about her own money she took her coin purse to Peet's Coffee with dad this morning to buy her own Bearclaw. Heff wasn't complaining!