Girls Gone to Red Bluff

The three girls and Oma out for a horsey ride... in red Bluff without me!

It's been a little crazy around here- I've been moving things into Bumble and we are almost ready to open! My brave and adventurous husband knew this is my favorite time of a new business so he took ALL THREE girls up to Red Bluff for the weekend! Janie is eating real food and will even take a formula bottle sometimes so she was packed up with her sisters- and thanks to a very good dad, and lots of doting from Oma and Aunt Maureen she rocked. I didn't know what to do with myself for the first time without a baby or being pregnant- since 2006! But I kept busy with Christian working on Bumble until 2am :)

Heff sent me this picture of JJ's early morning nap at Oma and Opa's after pureed breakfast

with their cousins in the tub- looks like fun!

and Maisie in the dress up chest Snow White she refused to take off all weekend...

Thanks Heff, Oma and Maureen!!!