Bumbling Along

Lots happening every day at Bumble! We are getting soo close to opening and it's really exciting to see it all coming together. I have never had to be this patient for anything in my entire life ;) We filled the sandbox in the front yard today, kids-safe silica-free sand pretty much makes you feel like you are on an island in the bahamas. The girls played in it for 2 hours then crashed for 4 hour naps. Mission accomplished. Here are some sneak peek pictures… better ones in the next few days as all the finishing touches come together!

Janie at a beer tasting last week… Heff poured this one I take no fault.

Beers to try from Santa Cruz Brewery and a few options from Southern Wine and Spirits including gluten free ale

The hexagon sand pit ready for sand before they filled it. now to keep the cats away...

freshly finished hardwood floors (original to the 100+ year old house) and stained a pretty color grey thanks to Christian and Jan saving the day while I was in Oregon- plus our last minute striping of the front porch!

checking on the progress

Kelsey and Lindsay the new Playroom Teachers putting together lots of fun stuff (ie IKEA furniture) for the Playroom in our temporary office

Who wants to play? (the girls 'practiced' art projects this morning in here ;)

this is where we work all day waiting to finish construction. the UPS man keeps saying "your gonna put ALL THIS in that little cottage??" don't doubt it!

empty kitchen ready for cooking. and health department inspection!

bar area

and coffee mugs waiting for the Four Barrel espresso machines


the only "non-ugly" diaper changer in the whole world (yes we searched it) installed in the ADA bathroom

JJ sleeping on the job

adult patio coming together

it's still got a lot to do before we can call it a restaurant but when I look back from THIS...

to THIS! it's crazy to see how far it's come. See you soon for a glass of champagne at the bar!