Night with Cousins

Tuesday night we went up to SF to a Giants night game with all of my second cousins on my mom's side . My cousin Michael Drew organized it and got a block of tickets if we had more than 25 people. He did a great job bringing everyone together for a fun night! I don't get to see all of these cousins (my mom's dad's sister Mary had six daughters and they all have kids my age and now grandkids!) who live pretty close so it was fun to get together, we need to do it more often!

J says "what's up?"

Francie with her cousins Katelyn and Emma- she was pretty excited to hang out with them

They were so cute in their Giants gear!

We made it until the 8th inning- Jannie and Grampa made their way out with us before the crowds left. and the Giants won! (I think- when we were leaving I told the girls the other team was the Padres and Heff goes "uhh, or the PIRATES." Guess I was watching kids instead of the game!