
Scenes from around the house Friday... Maisie above climbed in Janie's "new" (hand-me-down-thanks-to-the-Farwells) crib we set up. She has yet to sleep in it but we are working on it! I broke down and got the cheapy, plastic baby mobile that projects some images on it or something. It hasn't solved any problems but the big girls think it's cool ;)

and Francie was at Nature Camp this week! Today she insisted on wearing her Minnie Mouse dress from Aunt Kat under her camp shirt and Minnie had to tag along in last year's camp shirt.

Hanging out at home for the afternoon- Double Doll Stroller Trouble

Triple Trouble

I love a baby in a white onesie on a hot summer night, that is until it requires a change 5 minutes later ;)

This was last night. Maisie devoured our appetizers "Slalami and Shhuto" for dinner then woke up at 2am so thirsty she came into our room shouting "Mom! Dad! I need Baa-bee! I shirsty! Need water!" Heff got up with her and had to read books, fell asleep on the couch in their room and then got up at 4:45am and decided to just get up and work. Not a good night thanks to the slalami!!

Nature camp pick up yesterday. Hard to recognize Francie with a ponytail!

Good morning Janie shot.