Road Trip Warriors

Taco Bell burritos in the back seat! We were stopped, of course, to give JJ a breather from her torture-chamber-I-mean-carseat. She's been known to scream for an entire car ride but surprisingly this year on our drive up to Black Butte she was a rock star and barely made a peep! (helps to ride in the front bench of the truck between mom and dad :)

speaking of carseats I forgot to post this picture of all three girls in the backseat of our rental 12 passenger van when we flew down to LA for the day to meet Elise- I secretly (or maybe not so secretly) want a huge passenger van as my car. We test drove Sprinters. True story don't judge ;)

I mean 12 PASSENGER amazngness (but this one is annoying to get in with seatbelts flying everywhere. Sprinters are way cooler.

Izza wanted a turn to get in on the fun. These were the $5 rental carseats too- Francie showed Isabel when we got to her house and she goes "Oh yes Francie those ARE beautiful butterflies on your carseat!"

and after running around the grass area between In-n-Out and the airport = tired girls

flying home easy Southwest flights to and from LAX in one day for the cousins