Date Night and Bumble

Heff and I went out to dinner last night to celebrate our 5 year anniversary! (a few days early and with a sidekick of course :) We walked downtown for dinner, had some beers and margaritas and then I showed him all the progress at Bumble.

11 days and counting until construction should be pretty much done and then we start moving in and starting a restaurant.

Janie has been rocking tagging along for my 2-3 times a day job site visits to pick finishes, answer questions and make sure Bumble is going to be the coolest place to hang out ever :)

My prized pick antler chandelier just went up! I found it on Etsy from a guy in Montana who was shocked Etsy worked. He called me and goes "whoa I just got a bunch of money in my account! that internet thing worked!"

coming together- a sand box in the front and benches go around the edge of the yard for moms and dads to sit and have their coffee/lunch/champagne ;)

and a happy baby helping me work at our temporary Bumble office today- I ran in without a diaper bag and of course she has a blowout, got a bath in a sink then pees on my lap! Bumble is down one striped picnic blanket thanks to JJ (not that I was sure where this was going to be useful but it was our colors and on sale)

Awww you forgive me quickly right mom? ;)

Just as long as you forgive me for posting these pictures J ;)