MaryJane @ 3 months

Figured I would give Janie Girl her own little update! We went to Dr. Cisco yesterday to check in and Janie is measuring long and lean- super long and lean. At 3.5 months (15 weeks) she is 11 pounds 11 ounces and 25.5 inches putting her at 97% for height and 25% for weight. Just watching her roll around and move her body on the table Dr Cisco say's it's probably because she is so active that she burns her calories- and probably why she doesn't love to sleep ;)

She loves attention from her sisters, but kind of gets angry when Maisie's little high pitched voice comes around while she's sleeping! Francie loves to "walk around with her" (a few steps while I am close behind!) and Janie gives her big smiles.

Janie is a little demanding - I guess she has to be as a third child. She likes to be held facing out to see the world or standing up dancing on her feet. Heff figured out this is the easiest way to calm her when she's mad.

She HATES the carseat. We've learned to live with it and turn the music up :) But she loves stroller rides and has graduated to the big girl seat.

Janie has a sweet disposition when she is happy though and already has lots of personality shining through. I love the baby stage but it will be fun to see what she grows into! Love you Janie girl!