Cousin Camp 2011

We have a full house here at the Heff's for Cousin Camp 2011! 10 out of 11 grandkids (we miss you Oliver!!!) are with Oma for a few days of cousin fun. Craig had to come up for work so Andrea and Isabel and Thomas came to stay with us - sounded like a good excuse to Oma and Maureen to bring Ellie, Kate and Thomas to come join in too! Everyone is staying with us at our house except Clara and Caroline who live a mile away :) It's pretty crazy! Every bed and floor space for something resembling a bed is occupied and we've been pretty much just hanging out around the house, playing in the creek, doing art projects, playing dress up, cooking up good food and watching the kids run around with their cousins.

Water fairies

Maisie barking orders "Thomas SSSSIT HEE-RE!" until he realizes he better not set a precedent and let her boss him around!


Maisie wouldn't take her tinkerbell costume from Aunt Francy off all day

Super Supervisors with babies. Maureen holding Caroline and Sarah with Janie - Heff on his way to get someone a beer probably :)


Andrea, Thomas and Ellie (I am hoping Andrea got better group shots than I did - I'll leave the real photos to her!)

Silly kids

But good job stepping up to the plate as a baby holder Francie - especially over a moving body of water ;)

Lots of dam building and animal rescuer playing

What do you do with 7 wet, dirty kids? Hose them off in the drained out hot tub of course

Crazy Two-Year Olds all clean

Kate and Francie love (Shigo hand me down pile outfitted almost all 7 of these kids after the post creek wash down since the TRIPLE matching outfits are all in the next few years sizes- thanks Kerri!)

The playroom looked like a bomb went off. I'm dealing :) Andrea relaxing on the couch for a short moment of peace, she is 8.5 months pregnant with number 3!

Uncle Mark dipping Ellie into the hot tub/bushes abyss for a lost toy- brave girl ;)

Maureen busy in the kitchen with Patrick and Janie to assist (thanks for all the cooking Oma and Maureen!)

Sippy cup extravaganza for dinner

KIDS table! All but Caroline and Janie old enough to hold their own

and after dinner s'mores by headlamp (have you seen the flat/stackable new square marshmallows?! I stood in Target dumbfounded at the pure genius of them today- why did no one think of this sooner?!)

Want one?! More Cousin Camp fun to come!