Monday Madness

Catching up with all my random uploaded photos today! We had a great Father's Day weekend - mostly working on the house outside.

Last Sunday morning I work up at 5am - and since Janie had actually slept for 5 hours straight I was wide awake and ready to party :) So I dragged Christian to the Alameda Antiques Fair with me. We were at Peet's coffee a few minutes before they opened- I felt like Heff! Janie came with us and was a good girl while we shopped

I found this cute trike for Maisie to follow her sister around on

Sunday night last week we had dinner at my parents house with our good friend Mary Swanson- visiting on a crazy birthday/wedding tour of the US from Seoul Korea where she lives with her husband. Always great to catch up!

We had to take a picture of all the Marys!!

Poor Maisie had a bad rash that came out of nowhere. We emailed the pediatrician's office with this picture and the dr diagnosed "Slap Cheek" - a virus where this lacey rash shows up on the arms, legs and cheeks after the virus goes away. We didn't even realize she'd been sick but the rash stuck around all week.

Maisie also practiced her photography skills

We had a creek burial for the last two fish. Francie was sad. Maisie pretended to be (takes after her mom ;)

We moved the girl's rooms around to officially share. They are both in Maisie's room now and we've had 5 nights of successful sleeping together. Francie actually goes down easier than she used to (books and then we say goodnight, she used to have to have someone "lie with me" most nights. This pic was in transition...

We walked to Shoup one afternoon and Francie wanted me to take her picture on the zip line thing. By the time I got my phone out she was jumping off :)

Torturing a brave gopher - kept them busy for half an hour sticking snacks down the hole. Gophers don't like turkey.

JJ watching her crazy sisters

Maisie is so proud of J when she rolls over

and for pretty much anything she does. Janie is a good sport

We stopped at a friend's after the park and they fed the girls dinner with salmon- Maisie ate it hand over fist! Francie took some convincing (still thinking about those goldfish? ;)

This weekend we went down to Morgan Hill for a baby shower for my cousin Lori. Here are Francie and Maisie with my cousin (technically my Mom's cousin) Kris and her daughter Mandy who hosted - they gave the girls mini ice cream cones they were pretty happy about

More cousins Marty and Kristi who is due with her second in September- so many baby's this year!

Saturday night we went to a Cars 2 Premier fundraiser in Woodside - Jannie and Grampa took the girls for baths and dinner after a full day so Heff and I could enjoy the cocktail hour and dinner, then brought the girls up at 9pm to bundle up in a field under the stars and watch the movie on a big screen- it was such a fun night!

love the mason jars :)
movie time!

and Maisie Moo started vaulting now that she is TWO! She loved the "wide the hosey" part and would only participate in the rest of class if she was right next to her sister, holding her hand half the time. Made it hard for Francie to do sommersaults but she was a good sister about it!

Love the fake serious face. Go Maisie Go :)

Father's Day was a family WORK day around the house. Jannie and Grampa met us at Summerwinds to buy plants and then stuck around our house for lunch and planting, pruning, moving furniture, decorating and helping ALL day! Jannie was a huge help of course- and Grampa was a good sport to spend his Father's Day watching babies and golf. We didn't stop moving all day until we BBQ'ed dinner for everyone (James, Jer and Em came over too!) THANKS JANNIE AND GRAMPA! and to my husband for working away his Father's Day :)