Everyone's Home!

I'm back from a serious blogging break! We have had 10 days of adventures in all different directions and are finally glad to be back home together. A few trips came up all around the same time and we decided to make it happen and take advantage of new experiences for all of us.

Last Thursday Heff had a law conference in Santa Barbara at Bacara Resort - Oma came down to go with him and watch Francie swim her little self silly in the pools all day. Craig and Andrea came up with Isabel and Thomas since Craig had work in SB too so it was a cousin's party by the pool. Francie is getting really good at swimming and was showing off for her proud Dad and Oma

Then Friday night- Maisie, Janie and I set out on our own adventure with friends for a week without laptops/phones/work to just relax in the sun with my little girls and let Maisie have some time to be the BIG sister. She really blossomed into her own on this trip! She is talking up a storm and has a lot more independence.

Francie got to spend the week at home with JUST DAD and loved their time together. She got a little out of sorts mid-week but they kept busy going to a Troopy Convention in Half Moon Bay (and winning "Most Popular Troopy" trophy!) riding her bike in the alleys of the neighborhood every night (a new found favorite spot) and just hanging out with her dad. I got lots of notes from Heff saying she would crawl on his lap and say "I love you to the moon and back dad." Good bonding time for sure :)
Helping dad hitch up the trailer and her first big fall off the bike

Pig Roast at the Troopy Convention

and THEN Francie got to flip to the other side of grandparent fun and go on a very special adventure to Nashville with Jannie and Grampa to visit ABA and Pat and cousin Mikey! They have been talking about a 3-year-old trip for awhile now and this just worked out to be the trip. My Dad was SO excited to get to fly with Francie and Jannie loved every minute of it. ABA took good care of her, making sure Jannie didn't spoil her too much and she tired herself out every day running around with the Galassini girls.

The girls and I got home late Saturday night and Francie just came home tonight. Heff is very happy to have all four of his girls back in their own beds and we are unpacking and getting back on this-side-of-the-world time.