
It's kinda hard to look at these pictures as it's rainy AFTER Memorial Day weekend here... We had the most amazing time in the Bahamas last week. We stayed on Paradise Island next to Atlantis at the One & Only Ocean Club. The weather was great and we swam in the pools, rode bikes, jet skied, built sand castles, had dinner on the beach, swam with dolphins, ate great food and had a blast as a family and with our good friends. When can we go back?!?!

a trend on arrival this trip...

The view- we jumped right in before even unpacking (a big deal for me :)

Traveling with kids- sure can't travel light!

Me and Janie girl hit the beach

Vacation with my favorite person! (he's not easy to convince to take a last minute vacation either... but I'm soooo glad you came Heff)

Coppertone baby bum :) I swear I put sunscreen on them!

Yup I even got my hair wet swimming with the girls :)


Janie and Maisie relaxing after swimming all day

Happy big-eyed girl

Someday I'll get a family picture I can frame (I love how Francie is acting shy, Maisie is singing or something and Janie is looking like "Seriously I got this family??" :)

Aquarium at Atlantis (a really cool place! - kinda like Vegas at the beach but tons of fun stuff to do. Next time we're sending the girls down the waterslide that goes through a shark tank)

Doo-rags at dinner

Fishing trip with Dad. Heff claims it was his highlight of 2011 as both girls caught tons of fish (hey wait- Janie was born in 2011 Heff- you better change that statement to Q2-2011 or something!!) but this trip get's it's own post, not only did they have a blast Heff took great pictures!

I'm not making these pictures any larger ;) but had to remember how I spent half the day... even the baby-proofed pool was still beautiful!

Jet skis were a big hit- Heff took both girls at once and they went "100 miles fast" as Francie says

Maisie could play all day in the sand entertaining herself

Checking out the main pools

landed at the kids pool (sorry couldn't help the matching outfit with Janie :)

Doting on baby sister

"Mom, you think they know how to make a Shirley Temple here?"

"I don't know France but they make a mean Bahama-Mama!"

Where's Janie? Naptime on the beach is the best

My Little Mermaid

"Is that my Strawberry Grouper?!" They cooked up the fish the girls caught and it was DEElish!

READY to swim with the dolphins

They asked if Janie needed a wetsuit to swim! Um, probably not since she's 3 months old :)

Let's do this! (sorry- the real dolphin pictures still have to wait!!!)

But I can show you the SeaLion we met

Kinda gross.

Girls and a sealion

Last night Dinner on the beach

Heff and Maisie had to leave Monday so France and I had an extra two days to live it up with Janie

little attitude for a three-and-a-half-year old :)

Handstand competition.

Whatcha thinking about France?

The Golden Hour- a few minutes of golden sun for pretty pictures!

Baby feet in the sand

My sweet sandy little traveler

Wild-child takes her dress off after dinner- got some great pictures where she looks like she was raised by wolves but as my husband says "privates aren't for pictures" so this is all I can show :)

When can we go back Heff?!

Bye-Bye Bahamas