Playhouse Morning

Saturday morning we were all up way too early (jet lag still hanging in there!) so we convinced Heff to let us all come to his barber with him. He goes to the "Silly Cuban" old school barber in Palo Alto where you just wait in line... and there is always a line! By the time we got there at 8:31 he had been open for 1 minute and had a two hour line. crazy :) So we skipped the haircut and went to the mall to check out all the new Dreams Happen playhouses... the auction is coming up June 4 (six years to the date of the night we met at the auction!) There are some cool ones this year!!

Pancakes at the Creamery for breakfast

Menlo Park Firehouse playhouse (raffle house... wanna buy a ticket?!)

One of our favorites- Christian was a designer on this one! the E-I-E-I-O barn

another favorite

who needs a playhouse?! Come bid June 4!