My Birthday

I had a great birthday! Turning 33 was a relaxing easy day thanks to my family...

We started with soccer practice in the morning

Soccer girls (Maisie's shirt is more like a dress on her :)

Francie pratices her "Free kicks" and "traps" all day at home - Emmy taught her some moves

This was the first day of practice and Francie loved it… Maisie kind of watched form the sidelines but I bet she'll get in the action next week. As you can see Francie is a little tall/old for the crowd so I switched her to the 3.5-4 year old class for next week that meets right before this 2-3 year old class. Thought I could sneak them both in the same activity but I think Francie will have more fun with some big kids.

hanging out in the baseball dug-out after practice

Then we walked back downtown for frozen yogurt/Dora popsicles and then lunch (backwards I know- it was a birthday-day :) Maisie was so tired from soccer and still not feeling 100% after her shots so she fell asleep in the Ergo I brought for Janie - it worked! Emmy was with us all morning but had to leave before lunch so I had my stroller-ergo-skateboarding girls by myself walking downtown until we found Jannie

and Janie snoozed away in the bassinet

We had a nice lunch outside in the sun with Jannie and Ann Skidmore at Casa Lupe. Yum and margaritas to "cheers" not being pregnant on my birthday for once!

The girls managed to steal both Jannie's and my iPhone to play on the steps for awhile… whatever keeps um happy while lunching :)

After nice long naps at home we had a late dinner at Il Fornaio with my parents, Ann Skidmore, and my brothers James and Jerry at 8pm. The girls were great and I got lots of funny cards and the hilarious "Awkward Family Photos" BOOK from Jerry- we were all cracking up at the pics and then he said "oh yeah and check your iPhone" for the awkward BOW family picture from the last post he made - we were dying laughing!

ANd my favorite present from Heff- he caught me up on our family tradition anniversary bracelets and added a new twist, a little diamond for every year we have a baby! He found them with a little help from my sister from Barney's - I was pretty shocked to see a Barney's box from my husband! I LOVE them and the special tradition behind them- thanks Heff!!!