
Janie has been meeting her share of new friends and family slowly but surely!

My Dad's brother Uncle Dan and Aunt Nettie were in town for a conference and came to our house with an adorable little dress, hat and fancy sandals for Janie. They live in Spokane and have really cute grandkids of their own who we don't get to see often enough!

Emma, Owen and Chrissie came to play and brought dinner one night- man we miss our neighbors!! Emma is still Francie's idol and Owen is such a big kid now, he was three when they moved in next to our old house.

and our new neighbors (a year new :) brought over their pet bunny for a visit last week… Maisie was SO excited.

it was really funny, he wanted to wait until his sister got back to take a picture of all the kids and told me to take my girls first. When I said "Maisie look at the camera" and she of course ignored me, he jumped in to hold her head up towards the camera and tried to hide behind her.

You can barely see him except the little hands on Maisie's head!

and of course we had to clean up for all these friends… three kids at the same time is no small feat.

and besides the point of this post but Francie is REALLY into The Berenstain Bears books right now. The Frimel Family passed on their very large collection of 49 books and she is obsessed with them (partly because they came from cool kids Kelly, Will and JP) and partly because she loves the stories and lessons - especially to spout them back to her sisters. I didn't know the author's son continued writing the books and they even had a third kid, Baby Honey Bear who stays a baby a la Maggie Simpson- there are some serious topics in the end of the series too! Thanks Frimels :)

and she still looooves this little baby girl

and also besides the point but just keeping things even-steven… Maisie is obsessed with all things spicy and tells Heff the tobasco or sauce he puts on everything is "PICY DADDY!"

in other Maisie news, look who can sport a bow with finally enough hair on her head?! (this was the day Francie and I went to pre-school and Emmy had a just-Maisie special morning)

I love Janie's expression sometimes like "Oh jeez, what is coming next around this place?!"