Preschool Girl

Last Wednesday Francie and I went to "observe" her class at Montecito Preschool where she will go to next year! She was SO excited and was counting down the days. Jannie and I had gone for a tour the week before and it seems like the perfect place for Francie. They have bunnies chickens, frogs, lots of bikes and of course arts and crafts. She'll be in the Fours Program three afternoons a week which works well with our sleeping-in-kind-of-schedule :)

Getting ready to go! (had to observe the morning class at 9am = why I look so tired)

My big girl

The classroom is so cute and they have four teachers for 20 kids so they got to do all kinds of short little projects and activities moving around the room from table to table

Circle Time in the Yellow Room (I was sitting in the back with Janie (who was getting lots of attention, one little boy who looked like the Jerry McGuire kid kept looking at her and saying "I just love babies")

Snack time - but they had to practice cutting straight lines with scissors before they got their apples and graham crackers, I like the discipline! :)

Her favorite part of the day….

riding the "5-cycle" five person bike with the other kids!

I think she's ready for school - I'll be so sad but we still have five months of the un-scheduled life before SCHOOL starts forever! (we're easing into it with afternoons at least, Jannie told me not to do mornings when I was considering it as she said "It will ruin your life!" and Heff wonders where his wife and daughter got their night owl genes?)